State of the Art – week 19

Seeing as my last State of the Art was back in week 8, I’ve disappeared from updating here for over 2 months.  Pathetic.  It’s not that I haven’t created any art in that time, but a fair amount was spent in an art funk of some sort that I’ve finally decided to just push through.  I have a few new pieces to show off, including the art block-breaker, and I’ve added those pieces to the gallery here.

Another reason I haven’t been painting is that I’ve been writing.  I enjoy reading manga and watching anime and for some reason, I’ve gotten back into One Piece hard, to the point where I’ve been working on some fan fiction again.  I used to write a lot more stories years ago but for some reason, I stopped.  I’m not sure if my creative juices ran out or if something else happened, but according to the dates in the notebooks I write in (I start writing longhand, then edit as I transcribe onto the computer), the last story I was working on was dated 2009.   So I’m enjoying that bit of creativity as well.  Unfortunately, it takes me a long time to write, so the stories won’t be available for a while yet.  I did discover that one of my Ghost in the Shell fics was never posted here on the site for some reason.  It’s up on but I never cross-posted here.  I’ll do that as well.

On to the visual art though – here’s a bit of an art dump for the most recent pieces I’ve completed.

“The Path of Light”
Watercolor and white ink on paper
12″ x 9″

The Path of Light | Watercolor and white ink on paper | 9" x 12"

The Path of Light | Watercolor and white ink on paper | 9″ x 12″



Watercolor and white ink on paper
18″ x 6″

Breathe | Watercolor and white ink on paper | 18" x 6"

Breathe | Watercolor and white ink on paper | 18″ x 6″


Watercolor and blue ink on paper
7.5″ x 3.5″

Ascent | Watercolor and blue ink on paper | 7.5" x 3.5"

Ascent | Watercolor and blue ink on paper | 7.5″ x 3.5″


“Little Fish and the Big Squid Monster”
Watercolor and ink on paper
12″ x 9″

Little Fish and the Big Squid Monster | Watercolor and ink on paper | 12" x 9"

Little Fish and the Big Squid Monster | Watercolor and ink on paper | 12″ x 9″


“Untitled Abstract #7″
Watercolor and blue ink on paper
12″ x 9”

Untitled #7 | Watercolor and blue ink on paper | 12" x 9"

Untitled #7 | Watercolor and blue ink on paper | 12″ x 9″


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