It’s New Year’s Eve and looking back, this year has been one of my most inactive for art in a long time now. I was frequently distracted, uninspired, lacking motivation, and just plain didn’t feel like doing anything, including creating art. I managed to write a long, multi-chapter fanfic (which I need to post here) but other than that… close to zilch. Thinking about it, I still feel the need to create art, but I tend to procrastinate far more than I should. Or if I do complete something, I’ll post it to Instagram or Facebook and call it a day, completely forgetting to update this site or deviantArt.
So this is my goal for 2017 – be more open about myself as an artist. Be more organized about posting my art – whether that be WIPs on Instagram or finished pieces on dA or just sharing other pieces of #artilove – I need to make a concerted effort to just do it. If I ever want to do more with my art, then it’s not going to just fall into my lap. I need to be pushy. I need to put myself out there. I need to get more visible and seen, somehow. I need to dedicate periods of time to the art and not just lazing in the chair reading or playing my mobile games. So that’s what I’m going to resolve to do.
And right now, I’m going to go through my stack of paintings (there’s a bit of an advantage to working on paper) and make sure I have everything photographed and catalogued. That’s going to be a challenge, for sure!
Happy New Year! Welcome 2017!