September 30-in-30 Challenge – Day 2

As I said yesterday, I had day 2’s painting done already, but I want to try posting these on the appropriate days.  I need to get a better photo of this one, the bottom of the piece is too dark, but it’s late here and I don’t want to stay up too much longer.  I […]

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September 30-in-30 Challenge Begins! Day 1

And thus begins my next foray into Leslie Saeta’s 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge.  I feel like I’ve gotten off to a rough start but I’m sure that’ll work itself out soon.  For day 1, I think I should have left well enough alone and just had the background, instead of adding the ink.  […]

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State of the Art – Week 34

So I’ve apparently lost two months somewhere.  I’m sure it was well spent, somehow. Anyways, finally back to doing some art again.  I’ve signed up for another 30-in-30 Painting Challenge organized by Leslie Saeta set to happen in September.  Definitely looking forward to this and because I’ve decided to work in a standard smaller size, […]

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State of the Art – Week 24

Happy Sunday, folks!  Right now I’m in a good mood because game 5 of the Stanley Cup Finals is tomorrow night and here’s hoping the Blackhawks win it at home! Oh, and I have some art and writing to share as well from the past two weeks. Storytime first – I’ve finished two “new” fanfiction […]

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Broken (Naruto Fanfiction)

Title: Broken Author: Rhyssa Fireheart Pairing: None at this time Fandom: Naruto Rating: T+ Disclaimer: Don’t own it, never will. Just like to play around with it in my mind. Posted today over on (which is where I archive almost all my stories – gaming related ones aren’t there). Shinobi don’t fall out of […]

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State of the Art – Week 22

Hmm, I missed last week for reasons.  No idea what they are, but I’m sure I had them somewhere! I’ve completed three pieces and have two more in progress, so this might be a bit of an image heavy update.  And I’ve also managed to post a new fanfic over on and discover that […]

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Faded Memories (One Piece Fanfiction)

Title: Faded Memories Author: Rhyssa Fireheart Pairing: None at this time Fandom: One Piece Rating: K Disclaimer: Don’t own it, never will. Just like to play around with it in my mind. Also posted here over on, which is where I archive my stories. The sea train pulled into the station at St. Poplar […]

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State of the Art – Week 20

Hey, two weeks in a row!  I’m on a roll!  And I realized that my idea of time when working on a painting is skewed.  I was finishing up today’s piece and thought to myself “This didn’t take too long” but then I looked at the clock and realized I’d been working for almost 2 […]

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State of the Art – week 19

Seeing as my last State of the Art was back in week 8, I’ve disappeared from updating here for over 2 months.  Pathetic.  It’s not that I haven’t created any art in that time, but a fair amount was spent in an art funk of some sort that I’ve finally decided to just push through.  […]

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