More new discoveries

So something seems to be up with my old jump drive (flash drive, pen drive, whateveryouwanttocallit). I’ve had this thing for years, dating back to when 512MB was HUGE and it cost me $60 to buy it (thankfully expensed to the old employer). So, jump drive not working in Win7 for some reason, even though […]

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State of the something-or-other

So as I’m adding older posts back in and trying to create new content (*laugh*), I’ve realized that the category/tag system is defeating me. Right now I have a mix of each kind depending on when I created an entry. I’m thinking more that I should use broader categories (Art, Design, Gaming) and then use […]

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End of year babblings – 2011 version

Once again, I’ve decided that changing the purpose of my website here is the thing to do, so that’s what I’ve done. I ended up not liking the whole portfolio on the main URL and blog updates on a sub-domain URL. I ended up not updating either site then and that bothered me as well. […]

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Poking the bear

Why do some idiots insist on poking the bear, aka aggravating the admin of the forum they post on? I get that occasional members on the OneManga forums think they should be allowed to post whatever they like without regard to the rules. You get all kinds and the crying/whining/bitching that results when the rules […]

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More Farmville stuff

So, note to self – never post your profile link in the “looking for neighbors” thread on the Zynga boards unless you’re open to being swarmed. I did exactly that on my “FB game only” account and ended up with almost 200 friend/neighbor requests in a only a few hours. While it’s been pretty cool […]

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That about sums it all up. I had what I feel was a good interview yesterday for a PM position, but I’ve felt that way about all the interviews I’ve had so far. I’m planning to be more aggressive with my follow-ups and my determination, because this would be a good fit for my current […]

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Social Gaming

So, I’m an online gamer, but particularly since I was laid off in October 2009, I’ve started playing social games such as Farmville much more often. Partly because it’s really easy to slip in some time on the farm in between filling out internet job applications. Partly because even though they are called “social” games, […]

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Added a new portfolio piece

I added the screenshots and information about the vBulletin 4.x forum skin customization I did for Matt James over at I think the skin turned out great and it was just what he wanted. I’m glad I’ve gotten into the habit of taking full page screen grabs after completing a project so I can […]

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Description: Site for the discussion of pen and paper gaming with reviews, interviews, and forum discussions. Client wanted a customized skin for vBulletin 4.x software, a customized logo, and customized forum icons. URL: Features: Custom graphics and CSS for vBulletin 4.x software. Completed: June 2010

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