Category Archives: Gaming
GenCon Day Three: “The last, best hope of gamerkind…”
Well, it’s the last hope for me at least. I plan on taking a quick visit to the con today and then hitting the road back towards Chicagoland. I’m glad to be heading back home today because I’m just flat out tired mostly. It’s nothing to do with the hotel or anything like that. In […]
Continue readingGenCon Day Two: Thrust into the Light
ARGH!!! Teh Intarweb ate my post! 🙁 So between several sidetrackings, I had put a bit of time into working on my wrapup for today’s GenCon visitation, but thanks to an untimely use of the backspace key while not in the text box lead to the aforementioned post eating. Now I must try to reconstruct […]
Continue readingGenCon Day One: Rhyssa’s Journey into Geekdom
A day-by-day wrap-up of my visit to GenCon Indy this year with Grimwell, The Muse and their children and CmdrSlack and his fiancee. These wrap-ups have also been posted over at GamerGod along with Grimwell’s and CmdrSlack’s observations. —————————— I was apparently the only one of our group who managed to arrive at our hotel […]
Continue readingOff to see the Wizard!
The Wonderful Wizards of the Coast! AKA GenCon Indy. I’m officially on vacation (started today! Whoo!) and am packing up the truck to head down tomorrow. I’m sharing a room with Grimwell and Family and CmdrSlack and Fiancee, so things will be a wee bit crowded at night (5 adults, 3 kids, 2 queen beds, […]
Continue reading“Victoria’s Secret is not a Game Developer”
I submitted my very first article for the GamerGirl column over at GamerGod. I had no clue what to title said article though, so I left it in the very capable hands of my editor – The Muse, who is herself a “GamerGirl” (gawds, that title bugs me). She came up with the title of […]
Continue readingGrimwell Online Banners
Description: Skytower banners made for the Grimwell Online gaming news site. The ideas came from the staff and I created the banners for placement on the main site page. There were 20 skytower banners made in total. These were meant to be humorous and relate to the games the staff played and reviewed. URL: offline […]
Continue readingThe PvP Files: Death and Consequences
Posted today over at Grimwell Online. ————————————————– Why death penalties are necessary for PvP. Death penalties should be seen as a necessary part to both PvE and PvP, providing a sense of consequence to ingame actions. Granted, dying is not always the result of bad player decisions; mob respawn, runners bringing adds, overpulling, etc. can […]
Continue readingAnother Random Update
Well, I’ve been wandering around in WoW, just playing and dinking around with other characters once again. I’m not rushing to level any of my alts though, because I’m enjoying the leveling process again. I’m trying to do and find quests that I didn’t complete the first time around, or do see how the class […]
Continue readingGuild Wars Preview Weekend
So after hearing some of the chatter from guildmates and here at Grimwell Online regarding Guild Wars, I decided to hop into the free demo weekend that was held October 29-31. Downloading the client was simple and quick, and on the default settings, the game looked good. The streaming content (one of the features) didn’t […]
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