Category Archives: Real Life
End of year babblings – 2011 version
Once again, I’ve decided that changing the purpose of my website here is the thing to do, so that’s what I’ve done. I ended up not liking the whole portfolio on the main URL and blog updates on a sub-domain URL. I ended up not updating either site then and that bothered me as well. […]
Continue readingPoking the bear
Why do some idiots insist on poking the bear, aka aggravating the admin of the forum they post on? I get that occasional members on the OneManga forums think they should be allowed to post whatever they like without regard to the rules. You get all kinds and the crying/whining/bitching that results when the rules […]
Continue readingBlarg
That about sums it all up. I had what I feel was a good interview yesterday for a PM position, but I’ve felt that way about all the interviews I’ve had so far. I’m planning to be more aggressive with my follow-ups and my determination, because this would be a good fit for my current […]
Continue readingACB Survivor Logo
Description: A logo for an online forum game. The competition pit members of the Anime Community Board versus the Anime General Board over on the IGN forums. Players were divided into two teams and each team needed to come up with a logo to represent themselves. This logo was for the Anime General Board (AGB) […]
Continue readingFinal Update on Dad
My mom called me on Thursday 5/3 to say that my dad’s surgeries had gone fine that morning, but his blood pressure had crashed twice already – once during the night before and once as they were getting ready to take him out of the OR. Then he apparently crashed again as they got him […]
Continue readingUpdate on Dad
So an update: My dad’s doing basically the same with slight improvements. The heart stress tests they did this morning and yesterday were better then the doctors expected, so unless the cardiologist says differently for reason, they are planning on starting skin grafts tomorrow (surgery is only done on Mondays and Thursdays). We’ll be allowed […]
Continue readingApril is the worst month
Well, for the second time this month, I’m back home at my family’s house, staying with my parents. This time, it’s for my dad. Saturday morning, my dad was burning brush in the backyard (hometown allows burning). He stepped in a hole and fell face forward into the fire. Right now, he’s in the burn […]
Continue readingSerenity (Firefly movie)
I’ve never seen any of the Firefly TV show episodes, mostly because I’m just not that big on watching TV in general. The bits and pieces I’ve caught of the new Battlestar Galactica or Lost have really interested me, but I just don’t pay attention to time/days of the week to remember to watch either. […]
Continue readingGenCon Day Three: “The last, best hope of gamerkind…”
Well, it’s the last hope for me at least. I plan on taking a quick visit to the con today and then hitting the road back towards Chicagoland. I’m glad to be heading back home today because I’m just flat out tired mostly. It’s nothing to do with the hotel or anything like that. In […]
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