
Title: Memories Author: Rhyssa Fireheart Pairing: None to begin with. OC featured though. (Implied Vincent/OC) Fandom: Final Fantasy VII Rating: K Word Count: ~11,200 Disclaimer: Don’t own it, never will. Just like to play around with it in my mind. ===========================================================

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The PvP Files: Where the Real Gaming Is

One could be forgiven for assuming that the real gaming in MMORPGs goes on inside the virtual worlds created by developers and played by millions of people every day. While it’s true that the endless hours spent logged in to games such as World of Warcraft or Everquest II count as playing the game, it […]

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The PvP Files: Breaking the Game

How the use of mods and add-ons affect online gaming The use of mods and add-ons is very prevalent in online gaming today, whether or not the game designers permit it.  These programs range from the simple (Teamspeak overlay add-on that allows you to see in game who is speaking) and usable by anyone to […]

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“Victoria’s Secret is not a Game Developer”

I submitted my very first article for the GamerGirl column over at GamerGod. I had no clue what to title said article though, so I left it in the very capable hands of my editor – The Muse, who is herself a “GamerGirl” (gawds, that title bugs me). She came up with the title of […]

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The PvP Files: Death and Consequences

Posted today over at Grimwell Online. ————————————————– Why death penalties are necessary for PvP. Death penalties should be seen as a necessary part to both PvE and PvP, providing a sense of consequence to ingame actions. Granted, dying is not always the result of bad player decisions; mob respawn, runners bringing adds, overpulling, etc. can […]

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Shadowbane – State of the Crush report

I just wrote and posted this on Grimwell Online just this past Friday, 12/26/03. No one seems to be writing a lot about Shadowbane, so I felt I should put an update out there. Shadowbane went on a diet last month, and so far, the old gal is looking great! Too bad appearances aren’t everything. […]

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This was originally written back in December, 2001 when I was actively playing DAoC. I have been looking for a copy of the text since I began the site, but couldn’t find it until today, hidden away in a backup folder I had forgotten about. At the time I wrote this, Hibernia was demonstratively the […]

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Shadowbane Update

I’m a wandering gamer, for those that don’t know (random linkers maybe, I should do a raw logs check to see if I get any interesting links a la Grimwell). I’ll probably never go back to AC1 ever again (not unless they give the graphics engine a complete overhaul with a future expansion, oh yeah, […]

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Happy Father’s Day

Hope all the fathers out there have a good day to enjoy themselves and spend time with their families. I’m going to call my dad a little later this evening, but in the fine tradition that I’ve taken to, I have once again not sent a card. I have one here, I just forgot to […]

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