GamerGod Graphics

Description: was a new gaming news portal site started in 2005.  I was brought on staff to be a graphics artist and help work on the layout of the site (seen in this post).  News articles and commentary had featured graphics for the main portal page as well as individual section pages.  These are […]

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GamerGod Gaming Portal

Description: Gaming news and fansite portal.  The site featured a main hub page along with sub-pages for console gaming and several fansite pages for online games. URL: Offline Features: Custom graphics and layout. Completed: 2005 – 2006

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“Victoria’s Secret is not a Game Developer”

I submitted my very first article for the GamerGirl column over at GamerGod. I had no clue what to title said article though, so I left it in the very capable hands of my editor – The Muse, who is herself a “GamerGirl” (gawds, that title bugs me). She came up with the title of […]

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